the faithful father about page


First and foremost, I am a follower of Christ. Second to that, I am a husband and father to four beautiful girls. None of these things are particularly easy, but they are both extremely rewarding.

I hold a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Liberty University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Film Production from Huntington University.

My wife and I have been married since 2015 and we’ve been together since 2011. She is my best friend and partner in everything. If it wasn’t for her, I would not be the man I am today.

I enjoy board games, Star Wars, Discworld, Transformers and technology. Basically, I am a giant kid at heart that loves all things “nerdy” and “geeky.”

My Mission

To bring a parenting perspective from a father’s side, to teach from a Biblical worldview, and to promote a nuclear family as the best situation to raise children.

I also aim to bring change to the way men view and treat women. There is a lack of respect men show women that is unacceptable and I refuse to let my girls grow up in a world where they will be treated as objects. They will learn that their worth does not come from how men see them and that their true beauty isn’t how they look or dress, but rather who they are and how they act.