3 unique things to do on a rainy day - featured image

3 Unique Things to do With Kids on a Rainy Day

Rainy days can be a challenge with little kids that just want to play outside all day. Without leaving the house, there are only so many things that can be done. Sure, there are movies to watch and video games to play; but there isn’t much interaction with these things. Board and card games are fun and have the interaction, but what if you also want your kids to learn something while also having fun? These 3 unique things to do with kids on a rainy day can impress and introduce new hobbies.

1. Teach Them About Animation

A simple stick figure animation

If you have little kids, or any kids, or if you are a kid at heart, chances are animated shows and movies are on your television a lot. Instead of watching them, why not teach your kids how they are made? You don’t have to be Van Gogh to animate something.

All animation is is a bunch of pictures played in succession. They can be hand drawn on paper, computer generated, or stop motion depending on your skills and knowledge of the different mediums. If you really don’t have the capability to draw a little flip book, try making some models out of Play-Doh. And if that is out of your comfort zone, just use random objects and toys from around the house. One of my favorite animators does just that.

2. Teach Them About Electronics

Little Bits Droid Inventor Kit

S.T.E.A.M is a very important aspect in today’s education. Technology is growing at an enormous pace. Why not introduce your kids to fun and educational kits that teach them how things work? Little Bits is a company that makes lego-style electronic parts that clip together. They have various kits that build specific projects or kits that just have a bunch of parts.

These kits are so user friendly, your kids could be left alone to build most of them, unless you have a child that is prone to put things in their mouth or just not careful with things. And the end result is something they could use or play with, rather than a piece of equipment they have no idea what it does or what it is for.

3. Build A Computer

If you have never built a computer before, this may sound daunting and expensive. And to be honest, some builds are both. But, there are “cheap” kits and alternatives to traditional desktop computers that will teach the basics of computer building.

The Kano PC building kit is a great example of such a kit. It comes with all the parts necessary to build a working laptop that runs Windows 10. It won’t be able to play the most demanding games, but it will get on the internet and allow for schoolwork from home.

So there you have it, 3 unique things to do with kids on a rainy day. They may not be things you have lying around, or knowledge that everyone has, but they are fun to learn; and with the right tutorials can easily be done.